Bullet Journaling

I enjoying Bullet Journaling and I do find it useful for organizing my world.

I have always been a prolific user of organizers: Franklin-Covey, Day-Timer, and many many other brands. I was always in search of inserts that were relevant to my life.

Using the Bullet Journal method, you essentially create your own pages, so you create the ones YOU need. There are recommendations on which pages you generally want, like a monthly page (often called a monthly spread), a daily page, but again you create the pages you need. I personally need a weekly spread too.

Then you create all the reference pages you need. I have pages for many things including healthy habits I am cultivating, a page for what I am working on musically, and TV shows and movies I want to watch.

One thing you notice about many Bullet Journals and mine is the use of artistic flair: colors, various fonts, drawings. I’ve seen many much fancier than mine.

You don’t have to and at first I thought it was kind of a waste of time, but I believe much differently. While I am not an artist, I enjoy the time I spend being creative when setting up pages. It is a kind of meditation. I read somewhere Steve Jobs used to practice calligraphy most days. Why do that when you can just use a computer for fancy fonts? The meditation. Plus of course using colors and graphics can make a page easier and more enticing to read.

I will talk more about bullet journaling in future posts.

